The Unfailing Word Of God
Originally published in Tiqvah Magazine Vol. 1, Issue #1 (Jan-Mar 2023) Author: Mr. Ajeeth Koshy, St. Mathew’s Mar Thoma Church, Canada In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him…
Sacrament of Holy Confession (Part 2)
The Need for Holy Confession The Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church practices “public” Confession. As part of the reforms in the 19th century, which led to its split with the Syrian Jacobite Orthodox Church, the private confession (auricular confession) to the priest was done away with in the Mar Thoma Syrian Church. Instead, those who…
Sacrament of Confession (Pt. 1)
Introduction This Sunday (October 29, 2023), the Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church is meditating of the theme, “Confession: Sacrament of Reconciliation with God and Humans”. Holy Confession is one of the 7 Sacraments observed in the Mar Thoma Syrian Church. There is a system of Christian living described in the traditional Christian denominations around the…